Wednesday, January 17, 2007

more luminous songwriting

A new song then - philosophical musings, nothing more and nothing less! Not reinventing the wheel here - just being luminous, that's it and that's all!

"So Now"
by Luciano Pimentel

Now - that we are all down
Now - that we are in town
Now - that you need a tune up
And now - that you can't get up

No one knows how
to live it up
No one knows how
to give it up
No one knows how
to truly live
No one knows how
to freely give

So now - that we are rich
Now - that we're in a ditch
Now - that we dispute
And that we refute

No one knows how
to live it up
No one knows how
to give it up
No one knows how
to truly live
No one knows how
to freely give

And now - don't you want to?
Now - won't you say it too?
Now - life is so cool
but soon - you'll feel uncool

No one knows how
to live it up
No one knows how
to give it up
No one knows how
to truly live
No one knows how
to freely give

Now's the time to make the change
Now's the time to give your change
Now - now - not tomorrow
Now - now - don't wait until tomorrow

No one knows how
to live it up
No one knows how
to give it up
No one knows how
to truly live
No one knows how
to freely give (X2)

Copyright ©2007 LUCIANO PIMENTEL

Not as wordy as "RAISON" was - eh?
I can do it all! ;)

Monday, January 01, 2007

2007: Year of The Pig? Time to unleash a secret weapon then...

Triple 'B' versus Brat 'The Pig Man' Lard - that is, lard as in a speech interspersed with stranger than strange words!
That's surely something everyone can relate to - everywhere!
Brat is just ONE of a cast of zillions (or so it seems) that populate a pet project of mine (pet in more ways than one!) which I have kept under wraps for too long already! Heck, it was the Year of The Dog (underdog?) and I already had this ready to go! Me and my damnable habit of "biding my time"...
Evidently, from the name, Brat here belongs to a cast, an elite even, that brings together anthpomorphism and sports entertainment like nothing has before...!
Also quite clear here, with my background in history and near-teaching, I strive to make my projects EDUCATIONAL as much as they are ENTERTAINING - and, here, one would learn about the world, all of its species, customs, ecological issues, even political ones and much, much more - all wrapped up, allegorically enough, in a send-up of pro-wrestling!
Nota Bene: Brat is not the headliner of this "show" - he can be dropped at a drop of a hat! I have a long list of 100% original characters to use before I resort to parodies of retired grapplers I don't even admire one iota...! "Amalgam characters", those gems in the rough that incorporate elements from various sources, are always best - for they become walking/talking cornucopias of interest then, rife with wondrous stories to tell and avenues of perennial interest to explore to the infinite degree that children of all ages - from age 7 to 77 - will enjoy and, indeed, learn a whole lot from! ;)

There is no doubt about it on my luminous mind that this little pet project of mine would make a killing as a cartoon, toyline, series of video-games, animated feature, CD-ROM offering, assorted merchandizing items - the works! Alas, I made the boo-boo of trusting a tiny itty bitty agency such as Gary Ahlert's to try and sell this overall concept as a toyline first... I probably should have created word-of-mouth publicity for it initially as a comic-book, à-la-T.M.N.T. I guess, and gone from there...! Generating interest is never easy, no matter the potential of the initial concept! Well then - I shall take the bully by the horns and do it all myself - since Gary never did the job! Onwards with the "WHOO-OH.W. RASSLIN WITH BITE" brand! I'll keep under wraps as much as I want still - to be unveiled only to serious bidders and companies with enough backbone to support this thing to the fullest...!
If you think that's your company - get in touch ASAP! ;)

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Muito Obrigado!
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