Saturday, December 31, 2033

Various Luminous Calling Cards... And More!

Before we get to the actual writings here...
Click on each picture to see a different side of me, please...! 
Agreeable audio all throughout, too; 
do not hesitate to click on it! 

his Luminous Pro-File!


And if you still don't know me after all that
- well then, the kitty cat I inherited from
my dear saintly man of a Dad
knows me better than a 1001 talent scouts...!
That, in short, is my kind of luck!
It matters not ultimately, however, 
for   lUMINOUS (\Ô/) LUCIANO™ 
has been writing, will be writing 
and shall never cease creating 
-in various artforms, to boot- 
for as long as 
The Good Lord 
Shall Allow him to...!

For he's also been filming...! 
Submitted for your approval: 

Nota Bene:
watch the videos above 
if you wish to read 
the entire caption notes 
and get the full luminous scope 
- it will quickly become obvious to you 
why it is not possible otherwise... 
Blame it on YT. 
You may simply listen 
to the playlist above, too; 
and read, instead,
the luminous writings that follow...
Porque, assim, é mesmo
Sempre Por O Melhor!

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Blogger Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™ said...

Not only does every single image link to a different site / aspect / vision of mine... Each image and/or logo grasps quite well each and every different side of me, I do believe! ;)

Thanks to all who helped in the selection process!

And that goes for the song too:
quite evocative of the tastes of my buds over at Slash Studios, "Within Temptation" is a band I did not even know - and the selected cut, "See Who I Am" fits the bill here quite to a "T" indeed!

I would have probably selected a song with a male voice - subbing for ME, even though I do have quite a melodious voice myself...! ;)
But this choice is, verily, even better!

Now let us all hope that the track will not suddenly vanish into thin air - like everything shared through either YouTube, RadioBlogClub or Snapdrive (even though we upload our own things there!) is at risk of doing, sooner or later...

I take it all in stride though - as, also, some sort of allegorical twist on the reality of each and all of our very lives here on Earth...

Onwards then - our time is short

Let us illuminate
and luminescently entertain the masses!
IF... they'll let us do it!

("They" being the Powers That Be...! And the masses as well... sometimes!)


6:23 PM  
Blogger Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™ said...

Ah, and those lyrics are truly more than "within temptation" too, so to speak...! They are spot on!

Those that know me, know that I attach A LOT of importance to the lyrics of any song I listen to: and this "See Who I Am" anthem does not disappoint one bit on that front either! Verily, they can only suit me better if I had penned them myself...!

But I didn't - of course.
The following are the copyrighted material of Within Temptation - I only strongly identify with the end result, that is all!

Is It True What They Say
Are We To Blind To Find A Way
Fear Of The Unknown
Cloud Our Hearts Today

Come Into My World
See Through My Eyes
Try To Understand
Don't Wanna Lose What We Have

We've Been Dreaming
For Who Can't Deny
It's The Best Way Of Living
Between The Truth And The Lies

See Who I Am
Break Through The Surface
Reach For My Hand
And Shout Out That We Can
Free Your Mind And Find A Way
The World Is In Our Hands
This Is Not The End

Fear Is Withering The Soul
At The Point Of No Return
We Must Be The Change We Wish To See

I'll Come Into Your World
See Through Your Eyes
I'll Try To Understand
Before We Lose What We Have

We Just Can't Stop Believing
Because We Have To Try
We Can Rise Above The Truth And The Lies

See Who I Am
Break Through The Surface
Reach For My Hand
And Shout Out That We Can
Free Your Mind And Find A Way
The World Is In Our Hands

See Who I am
Break Through The Surface
Reach For My Hand
And Shout Out That We Can
Free Your Mind And Find A way
The World Is In Our Hands

This Is Not The End

Hear The Silence
Reach Out My Blame
Will Our Strength Remain?
If The Power Rise

See Who I Am
Break Through The Surface
Reach For My Hand
And Shout Out That We Can
Free Your Mind And Find A Way
The World Is In Our Hands

See Who I Am
Break Through The Surface
Reach For My Hand
And Shout Out That We Can
Free Your Mind And Find A Way
The World Is In Our Hands

This Is Not The End

Stay tuned for, here, on this very blog, I will post my very own songwriting as well - exclusively that, as far as lyrics go, from this point on! But I write a lot of different things too, as you will notice...


1:10 PM  
Blogger Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™ said...

It could not be any other way: as a first true-blue sample of my luminous lyricism -or songwriting, truly- here is a little something I composed in my mother tongue, the language of my ancestors - glorious Portuguese.

And it could only be called...

O Fado Do Luciano!

Palavras de Luciano PIMÈNTEL
Musica de... Musicos Tradicionais!


Este é o meu fado
Este é o meu fado
O meu fado carinhoso
O meu fado orgulhoso
Este é o meu fado
Este é o meu fa-a-do
É um fado invergonhoso
É um fado um pouco baboso

A minha vida sem fim
a minha vida vai ter fim
Nem sei bem quem me carinhava
nem sem bem quem me odiava
A minha vida foi assim
a minha vida sem sentido
sem saber o que é que eu queria
sem saber o que é a vida!

Este é o meu fado
Este é o meu fado
O meu fado carinhoso
O meu fado orgulhoso
Este é o meu fado
Este é o meu fa-a-do
É um fado invergonhoso
É um fado um pouco nervoso...!

Passei a vida à sonhar
Passei a vida à rezar
Nunca passou pelo o juizo
a ideia de agir, de matar
Passei a vida à brincar
Passei a vida à jogar
Nunca tomei nada à serio
Nunca quiz ser um cavaleiro...!

Este é o meu fado
Este é o meu fado
O meu fado carinhoso
O meu fado orgulhoso
Este é o meu fado
Este é o meu fa-a-do
É um fado invergonhoso
É um fado pouco geitoso...!

E é assim que todo se dei
E é assim que todo se passou
Eu dei, eles derem, e eu dei mais por sima
e depois a vida doeu tanto
Sim, foi mesmo assim que se passou
Foi mesmo assim que se passou
E, tal qual a Francesa
não me arrependo, não tenho do!

Este foi o meu fado
Este foi o meu fado
O meu fado carinhoso
O meu fado orgulhoso
Este é o meu fado
Este é o meu fa-a-do
É um fado invergonhoso
É um fado muito gostoso...!


Todos Direitos - copyright Luciano Pimentel

9:21 PM  
Blogger Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™ said...

A little song that I entered into a songwriting contest ~ somewhere, somewhen...


Paroles de Luciano Pimentel

Sans raison apparente... Sans récolte imminente
mon coeur tressaillit pour toi - avec une si grande joie
toi qui m'as jalousé... toi qui m'en a fait tant ragé...
pourtant, moi, je ne t'en veux pas - c'est fou mais c'est comme ça
tu pourrais me faire damner une centaine de fois
que je te pardonnerais tout - et demeurerais fou de toi
ah, mais attention...
il y une limite... comme de raison!

Le coeur a ses raisons
Que la raison ne comprend pas
Mais moi j'ai bien plus raison
qu'une émotive comme toi!

tu émoustilles... et tu gaspilles
tu ne sais pas où tu t'en vas
tu fous tout en l'air - tu m'exaspères!
tu ne sais qu'une chose - me tomber sur les nerfs!
tu as du culot - et ça j'aime ça!
tu vas trop loin - oui, ça c'est bien...!
tu sais comment me faire en redemander
tu sais exactement quand j'ai envie de t'aimer

Le coeur a ses raisons
Que la raison ne comprend pas
Mais moi j'ai bien plus raison
qu'une émotive comme toi!

tu es la sirène... et moi le capitaine
tu es la courtisane... et moi le macaque de matane
tu es l'ensorcelleuse... et moi l'ensorcellé
tu es la petite toute pieuse... et moi le grand débauché
tu es la vierge effarouchée... et moi le séducteur débonair
tu es folle à liée... et moi c'est à l'asile que je suis né!
tu as perdu tout contrôle... et moi... je trouve ça tellement drôle!
tu es un tantinet tannante... et moi je suis ton clown espiègle!

Faut s'faire une raison - on est pris pour être ensemble
Faut s'faire une raison - toi et moi c'est quand même bien, dans l'ensemble!
On ne sera jamais d'accord
Qui a raison - et qui a tort
Tantôt je suis le faible - un autre tantôt, c'est moi le fort
Toi, tu demeures la même - jour et nuit, dedans/dehors
Tu me fais tergiverser quand même - en demeurant si évasive
Et moi je t'adore tout de même - puisque je te sais si émotive

Le coeur a ses raisons
Que la raison ne comprend pas
Mais moi j'ai bien plus raison
qu'une émotive comme toi!

Le coeur a toujours raison
Ce sont les gens qui ne comprennent pas
Et toi tu as raison
Quand tu laisses triompher l'émotion!


9:39 AM  
Blogger Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™ said...

In the same vein - et encore en français...


Au crépuscule l'assemblement est entamé
Les gens s'entassent dans wagons et ferrys
Ils se dirigent tous ainsi vers leurs corvées
Et ils font alors leur choix prémédité

À l'heure du lunch ils s'empressent de sélectionner
tout ce qu'il y a de plus tentant, de plus gai
La taille du format est plus importante, oh oui (oh oui)
que le contenu pourrait l'être, n'importe quelle journée

Ils choissisent le rectangle
Ils choissisent le rectan-gle
Ils choissisent le rectangle
Et moi je prends le carré!

La superstar est là - prête à être adulée
Trente fois la même chose vu au ciné
La valeur sure est de fait bien assurée (oh oui)
de pouvoir voir son succès ainsi se répété

Car les gens choissisent le rectangle
Ils choissisent le rectan-gle
Ils choissisent le rectangle
moi je prends le carré!

L'opinion publique veut consensus, unanimité
Une image bien polie - un lustre cuivré
Apparence d'aisance fort bien encrée (yeah yeah)
Pas cassé, pas ostracisé, et donc pas carré

Et tous choissisent le rectangle -
tous choissisent le rectangle -
tous choissisent le rectangle
Moi je prends le carré!

Le super-sizing est une mode
Et tous veuillent bien être à la mode
On veut être "in" et jamais "out"
Tous veuillent être hip - there is no doubt, nooooo...

(solo guitare)

Huey disait si bien qu'il est hip d'être carré
Je partage cette opinion, vous le devinez...
Quand vous verrez un attroupement bien distingué (oh ouais)
Moi je serais avec le clan opposé! Car

Quand les autres choissisent le rectangle
quand les autres choissisent le rectan-gle
quand les autres choissisent le rectangle
moi je prendrais le carré!

Luciano Pimèntel

Tous Droits Réservés

9:44 AM  

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Muito Obrigado!
Sempre Por O Melhor