Sunday, May 10, 2020

Dedicated Containment

During this forced (even when voluntary) lockdown and self-quarantining, we find ourselves revisiting old projects, skimming through first and second drafts, various (and copious amounts of) notes meant to be "part of the book" but somehow NOT... We go back while going over what was, what could have been and, mostly, what should have been - but was not, somehow.  A little overview... 


when DC shot me down (very, very unceremoniously) and I realized I wouldn't get to do my epic series featuring a team of Atlantean heroes - not even if I substituted Atlan in the leader spot, leaving Aquaman in PAD's hands... I thought of going at it with a different approach; why not use actual mythical names rather than the made-up ones from an American comic-book publisher? There are tons of sea gods to choose from (it is not just Poseidon or Neptune or Triton, you know!) and I found just the one I could enjoy writing about... Alas, it remains in the developmental stage - since, well, a long while now...! 


and what of the dire times when the French comic-book type of editing house lacked foresight, business acumen or both - not green lighting my other epic saga starring, this time, a cast of characters exclusively hailing from Europa and headlined by the Portuguese legacy hero for the ages - my creation: Guerreiro! I am still so very keen on doing this one, though; and there are many ways to go about it without it having to be a "bande dessinée'' de Glénat - or any other of the same ilk! It is simply too good a project to let go of - and, besides, I have established so many ties, bonds and connections that are interwoven with my other projects that this must see the Light of day now; it must! This was all planned way before that wretched MCU too; just saying! And it does connect with even... this next project: 


... which I shall keep under wraps a little longer still! 


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