Thursday, June 16, 2016

Sweet & Sour Sixteen

Well, this being the year that ends with that odd in spite of it being even number -16- so I figured... why not pen something about that most painful age of all, hmm? And that is true for most everyone of us - if not for every single one of us indeed. When you're 16 (sixteen) everything appears to be... amplified. Your sensitivity is at an all-time high (that is, for those of us who are not abysmal apes fallen off the moron tree - à bon entendeur, salut!) and that is true for every aspect of our young lives. The feels... the hormones... the skin!  Oh, how we suffer with every bout we have with that dreaded acne! And then, when that seems to be under check, it's something else that takes over: like Dean Martin famously said to Dorothy Lamour (unless it was another Dorothy...?) while amorously discussing the prospect of having kids - ''and then we have the little monsters transforming once they hit puberty - into Lord Knows what!'' (I paraphrase!)  Ah yeah, Deano - that's Amore! Telling it to the bride and mother-to-be just like it really is...! Of course it is in the prospect of having a BOY (and it was eerie the way it came to be a bad omen - as Dean's real-life son died very prematurely, years later - and he never recuperated from that.) and it is true that puberty hits the boys especially hard and all... But girls are quite impacted as well. Their bodies transform even more - on the inside, after all. That first period can be something - just ask WCW Carrie White...  And yet, boys and girls, both so enjoy being sixteen; half-way between childhood and adulthood - on the threshold of the latter, really...  So here I thought, in the year of Our Lord twenty sixteen (two-thousand and sixteen, really - duh) why not look back at that time of wonder... experiments... and emancipation! And why not do so in the form of  - no, not a poem but lyrics again - for another sweet song à la Luminous... Hmm? Vai , rapaz!
A sweet and sour song, this time... of course.

''S/S 16" 

Woke up to another three pimples 
No wonder they call me pizzaface 
Gosh I don't wanna go to school now 
Don't wanna be such a disgrace! 

On the weekends, got no place to go 
Don't feel comfortable nowhere! 
Might as well hide out in my room 
Spank the monkey - sleep in all day! 

Got the hots for unattainable women 
Don't want girls - I want a LADY! 
But with the ACNE - that will not be! 
Older women will only have PITY! 

In the gym, I cannot compete... 
Lacking spirit, conviction and grace! 
Motivation just isn't within me... 
I can only keep losing every race! 

Sweet and sour - 
mostly sour...! 

Wish I was still a BABY - 
at least, then, no nobody cared; 
if I had a bad hair day 
if I had a big rash down THERE! 

"... but I can't go back ~ I know!" 


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