Saturday, March 18, 2006

saturday morning cartoons

Boys never really let go of their toys - some will say. Hey - they are precious mementos, I say! And the Good Lord loves us most when we keep that child inside of us alive and thriving... No matter how grown up we get to be, we are but children in His Eyes, anyhow. But that is another story: now, here, some creative ventures that may appear childish to some of you but are, truly, totally and completely serious.

View my plastic jesus versus satan lego clash comic right where it was made (and make your own HERE)!

Or... forget all that and just admire it right here!
Drum roll, please...

Lest you are like me, and you prefer the *luminous* version...

More creations are forthcoming - less apocalyptic ones too, I assure you! 

Here's but an example:

And here is another! 

In the meantime, click on this other cartoony caricature above - for my own brand of humor, cartooning and low-brow luminous satire!
There is much more to come - I promise you!

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Disclaimer: to the best of my knowledge, the images that are used here,
simply to help the reader visualize the action or the main protagonist,
are in the public domain.
If anyone sees an image used here that belongs to them,
do not hesitate to e-mail me about it
and I will remove it, if proof of ownership is given.
Or... I will give credit where credit is due;
it is as simple as that!
Muito Obrigado!
Sempre Por O Melhor