Monday, May 08, 2006

A Speech

Once more, this is one of those exceptions to the rule here that have the trademark fluorescent smile not making its usual appearance here, at the top or at the bottom of any given entry on this blog/portfolio; for this was in the most solemn of occasions - the gravest of times. I sure wasn't smiling, that day, let me tell you that much - for starters.
Speech writing skills come naturally to me: even in stressful, painful, woeful moments that I have had to get through - that we all have to face, one day, sooner or later in life...
Here it is in striking fashion. The following is a partial transcript (85% of it is there) of the speech that I delivered myself on a most momentous occasion. I had not planned to say a word - but it soon dawned upon me that I simply had to. This was in the church where we held a twenty-minute mass for my dear father's funeral last April. Being on terre canadienne française also known as territoire québécois, I had to say it all in French.
Suspension points underline a pause in the speech - for accentuation and style.
The moment was grave - hence, the tone was appropriately subdued.
I decided to speak upon setting foot in the church, and informed the priest of my intentions right away. He didn't seem excessively surprised, even though it was not planned. He figured he could "squeeze me in". He relied heavily on my information to prepare his speech - but I had omitted a lot of things and I used them all myself. Perhaps, subconsciously, I knew that I would speak that day - only consciously I did not know per say.
I was summoned to the pulpit soon enough - and the priest whispered to me "ça va bien aller" which means "it will go without a hitch". I thought to myself "I know that" and I proceeded to deliver my speech flawlessly - truly, my best delivery ever.
The speech itself would have been even better, had I actually prepared it beforehand... As it is, it was just right:

João... Jacinto... Borges... Pimentel

Je n'ai jamais connu d'homme plus honnête... intègre... patient... dévoué à sa famille...
que João Pimentel... mon père.

Seulement deux personnes ici présentes connaissaient mon père mieux que moi...
son épouse, ma mère... et DIEU
Ce monde était meilleur - et enrichi - avec sa présence.
Ceux qui enrichissent ce monde nous quitte plus vite.
Ceux qui souillent ce monde durent plus longtemps.

Mon père n'était pas "quelqu'un"... il n'était pas un politicien... il n'était pas un homme d'État... mais on gagnait à le connaître.
C'était un saint homme.
Et le perdre, est notre perte à nous... et le gain du Paradis... qui a d'ores et déjà un ange de plus.

Que Dieu Te Bénisse, Papa

If I can deliver a flawless speech, perfect in every point for the occasion, speak it before a crowd on the day that I was most stressful, heart-broken, sad, dejected and depressed - a crowd that, of course, applauded me with aplomb when I was done - and hit every note that I needed to address in passing... ALL THIS with mere seconds as prep time... IMAGINE what I could come up with actual time to prepare something for you.

Thank you for reading me.

Eu guarderei a tua memoria viva neste mundo, pai - até o fim

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