Saturday, January 28, 2006

Stand-Up Comedy - Take One

Don't you just love it when the songs on an album seem to be telling you something? I mean, the order in which they appear on the album, the jacket - the CD! Each tune is a distinct phase in the evolution of whatever it is that the subject is (usually - relationships!). Personally, I put them together that way too - on any playlist I ever do, customized CD I burn or whatever... THE ORDER OF THE SONGS HAS TO TELL A STORY IN AND BY ITSELF! But it sure is funnier when it already comes that way from the record manufacturer (do they call them that still...? Anyway!)

Like this chick's album... each song came one after the other in a distinctive order that reeked of a... crescendo? Either that or whatever goes the opposite way, y'know...! And you had to believe that it was all trying to TELL US SOMETHING... If it isn't intentional, then this chick needs psychological help... Check out the titles of these tracks! Just look at these tunes - we can almost see the film of this relationship as it went from bad to worse... to worse still!

Track number 01. It's Over Now
Track number 02. Nobody's Supposed To Be Here
Track number 03. Up And Down
Track number 04. Up & Down (In & Out) - that was a remix! ;)
Track number 05. We Can't Be Friends
Track number 06. Get Out Of My Life
Track number 07. What - Still Here?

Yikes! The furniture was flying... then the clothes were flying... then they were back to tossing couches through the window I guess!
There was no need for a song about the police's involvement in this sordid affair or the following lamentably lengthy -not to mention costly- judicial procedures, I suppose... those won't help sales!
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