Thursday, March 31, 2005

It was a dark and stormy night... (sic)

Let us begin, therefore, with what I estimate one of the very best displays of penmanship that I ever put forth - without getting sidetracked in the least either!

I dedicate this to my father,
João Jacinto Borges Pimentel.

The Foreshadow Canticle

Take me out of oblivion

life-giver, heart-maker
Give flesh to my soul
earth-shaker, fire-breaker
Make whole all of my spirits
sea-mover, breath-taker
A part of me all frailties
star-designer, sun-wrecker
So that they counterbalance my pride
Soul-taker, soul-maker
And that shall suffice amply
in taking me out of non-existence
So that I can shine as brightly
as You meant me to shine
from the very Beginning
from the Dawn of Time
Ravish me Greatness Incarnate
So I can shed this mortal coil
and the stench of death
in which I toil

Luciano A. Pimentel

Copyright ©2004 Luciano A. Pimentel 

One has to put forth one's best, to launch any enterprise... And so, here it is! I admit that I will not always be this serious, this gloomy, this dramatic - but I had to initially post, here, my first ultra-serious bit of poetry -one might say, verily, outright glum bit of poetry; reflective of that gloom and doom of the times that we live in as of the inner turmoils of each and every artist or luminous soul there is or that ever was, out there - as the very first example of true luminous writing...  Enjoy!  Sempre Por O Melhor...


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Muito Obrigado!
Sempre Por O Melhor