Friday, June 26, 2020

A Luminous OLÀ!

I had helped a friend seeking gainful employment 
- joined him in the adventure of working in... 
the retail industry! 
Meanwhile I had met her in a certain Café 
waaaaaaaaaay back in 2004! 
We would make it official in 2010 
and the need to make an official announcement 
was very real - and old-fashioned, too! 
It wasn't on Instagram (I wasn't there yet!) 
And it wasn't on Facebook or Twitter either 
- or any other trendy social media website! 
It was printed on glossy paper 
and pinned to the good old-fashioned dashboard 
in the employees lounge - at the store! 
Those without the habit of reading 
did not even SEE IT... 
But, eventually, everybody knew... 
Everybody was invited - formally! 
(Not everyone attended, though...) 
(That's okay - more food and drink - for me! 
I mean - for us, darling! FOR US! 
And for our more, ah, privileged guests...! 
And NO - that did not necessarily mean 
nor automatically signify 
- because, as it is, I did not want 
that whole bunch of cousins 
from the Laval/Montreal area 
to be there, in the first place! 
(I merely authorized my mother to let 
some of them know about the event - 
but I sure hoped they would decline... 
BENJAMIN!!! Among others...) 
In life, you cannot choose your family - they say! 
I always contented that, quite on the contrary, 
you can and you should choose - 
very meticulously and very carefully! 
Choose your true family - 
even if it means ostracizing your own parents! 
(Not that it was my case - at all. 
But I sure have decided to cast myself and 
my loved ones apart from a whole plethora 
of so-called blood relatives; 
they hail from Ontario, Canada... 
Açores, Portugal... 
the aforementioned Laval/Montreal region... 
parts of the United States... 
and elsewhere upon the globe ~ in Europe! 
They may share some of my DNA - 
but, hey, so does the lowest form of scumbag 
criminally-inclined on the face of the earth 
WHAT HE DOES - much less hang out! 
Same (shame!) with these "CUZs" 
and other half-lings 
that do not share my philosophy...
my FAITH... 
my outlook on Life... 
my deep, profound convictions... 
my love of the Arts and Justice... 
my love of GOD. 
Those were NEVER meant to be invited  
to this wedding... 
And I say "this wedding" 
because this was a CIVIL ceremony... 
There was what I call 
two months later - in EUROPA! 
The way it is MEANT TO BE! 
And then, for a select few 
that could not attend either one of those 
we organized a special 
Nuptial Benediction 
at the famed St. Joseph's Oratory 
where - again - the rabble 
was NOT invited... LOL 

But that's another story! 

Now to the OLÀ part - 
read it and smile! 
I know I do... 

...still  one of the best, most succinct displays 
of what my Luminous Writings are all about! 
on the day job...  

just kidding! 
That ONE song wasn't OUR SONG... 
THIS was IT:


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Disclaimer: to the best of my knowledge, the images that are used here,
simply to help the reader visualize the action or the main protagonist,
are in the public domain.
If anyone sees an image used here that belongs to them,
do not hesitate to e-mail me about it
and I will remove it, if proof of ownership is given.
Or... I will give credit where credit is due;
it is as simple as that!
Muito Obrigado!
Sempre Por O Melhor