Friday, September 13, 2013

A Luminous Play Is Published!

(on Pinterest & Instagram -EVENTUALLY- also!)

And coming to a good old-fashioned theater near you 


(We hope!)


Tell 'em our author sent you... 

He who is afflicted with the P.S.O. syndrome...! 

(The Playwright Selfie Obsession; 
more details on that - on our Facebook page!) 

... maybe, also, in cartoon form - one day? 

Whatever brings in the moolah! 

All joking aside... 
(considerably hard to achieve - since this is a comedy, after all!) 
''Fruendly's'' is a cautionary tale against consumerism, 
our current pace and way of life, 
big chain stores and bigger corporations 
as well as a laugh-a-thon, if you will... 
And even an homage to good ol' Shakes! 
It's got it all...! 

If YOU are a theatre owner - stage manager or 
vaudevillian troupe looking for the next 
BIG THING to do... 
you'd be doing yourselves a favor 
by staging this play! 

With our blessing - of course! 

we *are* friendly - most of the time! 


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Disclaimer: to the best of my knowledge, the images that are used here,
simply to help the reader visualize the action or the main protagonist,
are in the public domain.
If anyone sees an image used here that belongs to them,
do not hesitate to e-mail me about it
and I will remove it, if proof of ownership is given.
Or... I will give credit where credit is due;
it is as simple as that!
Muito Obrigado!
Sempre Por O Melhor