Thursday, October 21, 2010

Me... Bobby Orr... And The Saints!

I would probably vote for the canonization of one Robert G. Orr without blinking - if ever given the chance... Or... maybe not! Anyways - one thing is for sure: I value purity of the soul. Bobby had purity and grace on ice (he could still fight, though!) But these souls I blogged about before... they were truly the greatest of examples anyone could follow - and here they are now...

Originally published on The Luminous Blog, October 2005...

To be righteous, we do not merely have to fight for what is right... No, verily, to be righteous, we should not fight at all - we must accept our lot and even love our enemies! Is such a philosophy compatible at all with the highly competitive world out there today - the so-called "real world" - the cold cruel world... hmm? HMM? Probably not - but such is the criterion of excellence in the field of righteousness and "genuine goodness" set by the very best humankind has ever offered; Jesus, son of Joseph. Jesus was, of course, more than a man. However, over the years, so many men and women have followed His Example - proving that such an impossible thing to do can be accomplished by mere mortals such as "petty, itty bitty us"! The likes of Francis of Assisi, Claire of Assisi, Simeon the Stylite, Tertullian, Augustine, Thérèse de Lisieux, Hildegard Von Bingen, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Padre Cruz, Padre Pio, Pope John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla) - all either declared saints or bound to be real soon. The layman and laywoman can also be found to be a more than worthy example - Che Guevara, of all people, was quoted saying these more than wonderful words: "the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love" - and, indeed, these words ring not just true, but they ring like the Truth!

Patient saintly souls still walk among us - one has but to open one's eyes to see them. I know a few, elite examples myself...

All of these exemplary men and women - and there are so many more, who no one has ever heard of - are verily what true Spiritual Warriors are all about. Not merely fighting off their own personal demons and everyday temptations - but making a difference in their entourage. For, verily, to me, Spiritual Warriors are Spiritual Survivors - whose awareness and vigilance are just a tad more elevated than the norm.
One has to be aware of the source of any affliction in order to cure it - and Spiritual Warfare is much akin to a chess game, moreso than actual warfare - it is a game of chess with dark influences that we must overcome. Being aware of their very existence is a huge step forward towards accomplishing just that. And once that is done - one's duty is clear; one must share such erudition with the highest number of receptive souls possible. Jesus was a Teacher - he wanted the children to come to Him. And what are we all - from the smallest one of us to the tallest, brightest and most powerful among us? What are we but children still - in the Eyes of the Lord.

I will expound further on this and other philosophical as religious matters in a companion blog - a sister site to TLB Prime (lest it should be called a... brother blog?) titled... Luminous Praising of the Divine* (what else?) as well as on ''The Truth'' - of course. Blessings!

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