Thursday, November 30, 2006

Thriller Writer

A little sample of my tentatively titled STORMCHASING SUBMARINE ELITE CORPS - S.S.E.C. as ironic as it may be for those of you who may speak and read French!
This is nothing less than my luminous NAVY S.E.A.L.S./WORLD POLITICS LITTLE THRILLER...! I enjoy taking all the liberties I want with the genre - not taking this as the second coming of anything else! So now, enjoy this sample of it and enjoy guessing what I've got planned for the rest of this thing...!

Where nature is concerned, familiarity breeds love and knowledge, not contempt. - Stewart L. Udall

LONGITUDE 036 19 00 E - LATITUDE 33 30 00 N

The Navy Seals descend with dexterous precision upon the targeted territory - their parachutes extended like the wings of a bird of prey that has spotted its victim. And this one indubitably has...

Without a word, the Seals quickly gather their spread-out wings upon touching ground and just as quickly seek refuge from any prying eyes.
Time is, as always, of the essence. They are to go in, do their nasty business, and get out immediately. This needs to look like an inside job too - the world has to believe, or want to believe, that there was a military coup here planned, staged and executed by a rival political faction made up entirely of nationals... No hint of international meddling can be left behind. The peace of mind of the free world - as well as the status quo, maintainance of the world economy, American oil interests and the abstract concept of "freedom" - all of it hinges on the fact that no one must know about the American interference here... The whole world can suspect it and, in fact, know that it most probably did transpire - but none must have proof that it did occur. And none would have any evidence, if it were not for the blasé element within the very ranks of the Seals contingent that was hastily dispatched the moment "an opportunity", deemed to be golden, arose...

That golden opportunity, to smite the enemy and reassert the American Eagle's supremacy over most important facets of life, came to be on this Wednesday morning which was cold on American soil but quite warm in the targeted region...

Upon landing and quickly camouflaging every last trace of their arrival, the Seals split up into two groups, as they'd practiced endlessly. They'd been ready for this mission for such a long time - now that they were actually in the midst of it, it felt like yet another mere practice... But this time, it was for real. Corporal Kyle Murdock knew it more than anyone else - and the word "sabotage" was reverberating very fast and very loudly in his tormented mind right about now...

He looked at his Luminox F-117 Nighthawk, a Black Dial, leather waterproof wrist watch that was the standard for the Seals, right about then, as he was supposed to do... He was intent on not giving away any clues, to any of his team members, as to what his true intentions were... The fact was, though, that they all knew of his opinion concerning the policy of deterrence, of what he thought about the law of insidious reprisals and the knack for the U.S. to always stack the deck in its favor... Certainly that was not the ideals he was supposed to champion, he'd always felt. And he'd shared this stance, on numerous occasions. The politics he criticized were never to be lauded. And certainly that was not the 'home of the brave' that he was to fight for, here and now...

He used to be a Marine sniper - he knew exactly how and when to take out his own team if he had to...
He also knew exactly when he'd get the "golden opportunity" for that.
It would not be long, at all, and the enemy would readily be blamed for all the losses incurred - because he'd be damned if he allowed himself to be court-martialed for doing the RIGHT thing...

Copyright ©2006 Luciano A. Pimentel

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Saturday, November 25, 2006

luminous sampler ~ short and sweet

More luminous thoughts on a subject of true perennial interest to each and every one of us on this planet... I should write a daily editorial... Everyone may have an opinion - but mine is simply more pleasant to read!

Ghost of a chance... ~~~~~

''When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.'' ~ ~ ~ Arthur C. Clarke (b.1917)  Thus, a distinguished elderly British science fiction writer has spoken; close enough to a egghead himself! And he admitted this...! Why won't the rest of them ever do likewise now, hmm? Stubbornness is present right next to erudition as well, you know.

Science will discourage old withered beliefs - not because these are the stuff of archaic and unverifiable superstitious material but truly because science has not "experienced it" - and will never accept something they cannot quantify. Seeing is believing, as they say - and the most stubborn scientist of all would sing a different tune if he had experienced himself a divine apparition - or seen an angel - or a ghost. Proving the existence of these via scientific methods would become secondary very quickly - for the scientist who starts seeing things is either hallucinating (as he would theorize it to be the case - at first) or really, truly seeing something! For scientists are materialists - they do not think their eyes can deceive them, see? They are "free" from superstitious beliefs, their minds are not "clouded" by myth - hence, if they see something, if they experience it, it is truly "there". They might still explain it completely wrong though, but at least it will be certified as having "been" - at long last! It is up to the believer to get them to accept what "it truly was"...

It is the easiest thing to confound a disbeliever, verily - by using their own arguments and methods against them! They are using them against themselves in the first place; blinding themselves to the truth by adhering too strongly to a rigorous, excessively rigid approach that cuts them away from wonderment - and enlightenment.
An open mind is good.
An open heart, as Christ instructed, is better!

Hmm... If Shadow Gallery's Ghost of a Chance is not available -
we always have Rush's Ghost of a Chance to fall back on! ;)
Just scroll down to the bottom of the playlist below...!
(Ok - more like the middle of it now - #18 to be exact -
since I've added a considerable amount of tracks...!)

free music

Clearly the second-best choice in this instance...!
(Sorry, Neil Peart & Geddy Lee!)


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