Luminous Confessional - collected!
See the comments section for each of the Seven Deadly Sins - luminous style, quite literally, yes!
Here is a poem, meanwhile, to keep some out there content...!
(A writer has to cater to his readers' requirements, aye!)
"All About Loving"
"Love can be redundant as well
and so its ring is that of a familiar bell
the chimes of which enchant us, hypnotize
as mermaid chants many a sailor enticed
We are powerless before this incantation
for, deep down, we all crave passion
How do we fight off our own yearnings?
Verily - to do so would be self-defeating!
Aye, the torment a lover feels is unrivalled
Blending in longing, loving, lusting
and when the hope in a void becomes mired
it is then that we slowly begin expiring."
Luciano A. Pimentel
in My Luminous Guestbook
For this first, humblest edition, I shall confess to offenses in relation to the WORST -no less- of the Seven Deadly Sins... Envy!
It is the worst one in my book anyways...!
And so... forgive me, Father In Heaven, for I have sinned...
I envy my so-called brothers and sisters' ability to simply NOT WORRY...
I envy Aquaman's ability to summon and command all the creatures of the deep...
I even envy -in a most commoner way of all- Superman's basic ability to "fly - up, up and away"! (I only wish he could do it in a non-metrosexual way - and, maybe, with some of Hawkman's chest hair popping out, somehow, from that blue leotard he wears all the time, too? Or is such an amalgam too much to ask for? Ask DC... DC's bread-and-butter is Batman, still, after all these batty years... At least I do not envy Bats' ability to... be Batty? What else can he do, really? But I digress...)
I envy my neighbors' immediate neighbors - because my immediate neighbors suck! Or used to... It only gets better really when they are taken away, one by one, four by four or ten by ten - by the police! More on that in a future post, here, on TLB Prime! :)
I envy my envy - because it is more consistent than even my stance on any given subject, almost... yes, really! It doesn't get any worse than that, I do believe - when one envies one's own envy!!! But I am probably digressing again - or just about to - so I'll stop... and move on!
I'd suggest any belligerent accidental visitor to TLB Prime -especially- and any regular visitor (i.o.w. any L.O.V.) to comment on this any which way they can - even here: in My Luminous Guestbook
Just as a certain "jssjqkq" did, not too long ago... (Coward!)
But that is another story...
Next up - next sin... Lust!
Oh that will be good... for you, not for me!
But a bonus now (unforeseen but so very good - you will see... and hear!)
Labels: Columnist-style, Luminous, luminous connections