luminous editorials - vol. 2

as previously seen on The Luminous Blog (aka TLB Prime)
No can do. I cannot abandon the ol' gloom and doom thing...
Look at the facts:
I'm stuck with a hereditary background that probably has already numbered my days.
I have enemies - more than anyone can imagine.
I am breathing polluted air, inside and outside and everywhere I go really...
I am consuming genetically-modified foods and other products crammed with artificial preservatives...
And this is, I'm afraid, only the tip of the iceberg...
Now really - I simply cannot stop with the gloom and doom!
No freaking way.
Such was my reply days ago to a comment left here; and such is my stance forevermore! It is every living being's right and natural instinct to act towards SELF-PRESERVATION. Granted, some have definite AUTO-DESTRUCTIVE tendencies... I'd rather be the latter myself -or, as I am really, a mix of the previous two here- than being as messed up as, say, a schizophrenic autophagic neurotic empty shell of a human being bent on nothing else but the annihilation of oneself and anyone that might *dare* to try and help out in going the opposite way from that nihilistic proclivity!
Thank The Good Lord, I am not so abysmally concerned! I have some self-preservation sense in me, absolutely - in that, I will not tolerate that another decides when I am to make my exit! No one else will undermine my health either - I shall do that MYSELF! Here comes the "auto-destructive side" into play; that stems from my lack of fear really! I do not fear the Grim Reaper. I said so many times before. I see it not as the end, but as the beginning. Even more, it is the deliverance of the soul, freed from its mortal coil. I liken death, hence, to a prisoner being set free at last. The ball and chain are severed from the prisoner's ankle, and up we go, into the starry ways - sort of like that Red Bull commercial, only the former convict will not ascend with the ball and chain in tow - at all (you see, we're all convicted to LIFE TERMS! Oh, that's so metaphorically rich - is it not? But I digress...)
I strive therefore to be "released early, for good behaviour" - and I have strived for that for years! (Not *actively*, mind you - I am not suicidal! That would not achieve the point here... Only God Will Decide the time and place of my "departure" - ok?) However, I mustn't be such a saint after all, since I made it past the age of Christ... Forces appear to be converging anyway, as summarized at the top of this post here, to facilitate such a hasty departure... Alas, for these forces, I am tougher than they thought! Mercy on those that underestimate me or those that are like me...
Not that I will be showing much of it or any at all really...!
I am still standing - after years of being stuffed with BHT and other unholy substances...
Speaking of BHT, BHA/BHT is short for Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) and Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT), both of which are chemical preservatives.
BHA and BHT have been banned from human use in many countries. In the US, they are still permitted in pet foods. Apparently, though, they have also been allowed, for many years and to this day, as one of the preservatives on certain products meant for human consumption. BHA is generally used to keep fats from becoming rancid. It is also used as a yeast de-foaming agent. BHA is found in butter, meats, cereals, chewing gum, baked goods, snack foods, dehydrated potatoes, and beer. It is also found in animal feed, food packaging, cosmetics, rubber products, and petroleum products.
BHT also prevents oxidative rancidity of fats. It is used to preserve food odor, color, and flavor. Many packaging materials incorporate BHT. It is also added directly to shortening, cereals, and other foods containing fats and oils.
I always thought that Frankenberry, Cap'n'Crunch, Count Chocula and especially Toucan Sam were not looking out for *my* best interests at all...
There is a far more positive side to BHA/BHT than the ability to prevent fat spoilage, and it is this: both BHA and BHT have undergone the additive application and review process required by the US Food and Drug Administration. However, the same chemical properties which make BHA and BHT excellent preservatives may also be implicated in health effects. The oxidative characteristics and/or metabolites of BHA and BHT may contribute to carcinogenicity or tumorigenicity; however the same reactions may combat oxidative stress. There is evidence that certain persons may have difficulty metabolizing BHA and BHT, resulting in health and behavior changes. BHA and BHT may have antiviral and antimicrobial activities. Research is underway concerning the use of BHT in the treatment of herpes simplex and AIDS.
Wow - such high hopes for these chemical structures; surely for naught! That'll be the day when man-made compounds can reverse the effects of a bonafide End Times Plague...!
But I digress...
Another source of possible *big time trouble* for me and for you too: genetically-modified foods! Aye - Frankenfoods! Mary Shelley would be proud! Or not. But that is another story...
Once again, the concept comes packed with good intentions; On the horizon are bananas that produce human vaccines against infectious diseases such as hepatitis B; fish that mature more quickly; fruit and nut trees that yield years earlier, and plants that produce new plastics with unique properties.
Hmm... There's truly a little something for everyone in there! All industries would benefit from the full-time instauration of these new norms - and profit is everything, right?
Enhanced taste and quality of the crops - whatever it is, it will also be ripe faster than ever before, and speedier maturation equals more profits! It also would have a longer shelf life... No one stopped to think then about the DIGESTION of these; what of that? Talk about potential catastrophic tummy troubles here...! Not to mention the effects of all this on mother nature; that which surrounds man, the consumer/destroyer, said nature that is only on LOAN to him, but he seems not to grasp that notion very well...?
In this light there comes to mind the eloquent words of the late Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, condensed as follows:
"A year after…a massive spraying…there was not a sound of the song of bird….. What was man doing to…our beautiful world…Who has made the decision that sets in motion…this ever-widening wave of death."
No doubt mechanical patterns in nature are real. But they can be a superficial by-product and not reflective of the deepest or true essence of life.
Just some of the dangers of genetically-modified elements in the food chain - and the domino effect that ensues... At random:
Direct Cancer and Degenerative Disease Links - In 1994, FDA approved Monsanto's rBGH, a genetically produced growth hormone, for injection into dairy cows – even though scientists warned the resulting increase of IGF-1, a potent chemical hormone, is linked to 400-500% higher risks of human breast, prostrate, and colon cancer. According to Dr. Samuel Epstein of the University of Chicago, it "induces the malignant transformation of human breast epithelial cells." Rat studies confirmed the suspicion and showed internal organ damage with rBGH ingestion. In fact, the FDA's own experiments indicated a spleen mass increase of 46% - a sign of developing leukemia. The contention was that the hormone was killed by pasteurization. But in research conducted by two Monsanto scientists, Ted Elasser and Brian McBride, only 19% of the hormone was destroyed despite boiling milk for 30 minutes when normal pasteurization is 30 seconds. Canada, the European Union, Australia and New Zealand have banned rBGR. The UN's Codex Alimentarius, an international health standards setting body, refused to certify rBGH as safe. Yet Monsanto continues to market this product in the US.
Recorded Deaths from GM - In 1989, dozens of Americans died and several thousands were afflicted and impaired by a genetically altered version of the food supplement – L-tryptophan. A settlement of $2 billion dollars was paid by Showa Denko, Japan’s third largest chemical company. (Mayeno and Gleich, 1994).
Near-deaths from Allergic Reactions - In 1996, Brazil nut genes were spliced into soybeans by a company called Pioneer Hi-Bred. Some individuals, however, are so allergic to this nut, they go into apoplectic shock (similar to a severe bee sting reaction) which can cause death. Animal tests confirmed the peril and fortunately the product was removed from the market before any fatalities occurred. "The next case could be less than ideal and the public less fortunate," writes Marion Nestle, head of the Nutrition Department of NYU in an editorial to the New England Journal of Medicine. About 25% of Americans have adverse reactions to foods. 8% of children and 2% of adults have food allergies as tested by blood immunoglobins.
Antibiotic Threat – Via Milk - Cows injected with rBGH have a much higher level of udder infections and require more antibiotics. This leaves unacceptable levels of antibiotic residues in the milk. Scientists have warned of public health hazards due to growing antibiotic resistance.
Plenty more where that came from: here.
Gee... even the milk for the already hazardous cereal! Talk about a lose-lose situation... Add to that eating that dangerous concoction in the morning in a contaminated atmosphere (various contaminants can be listed at this point) with the knowledge that your own metabolism is ticking away on you (no one can stop heredity!) and you get the doomed picture: it isn't just me! All of us: we can't eat, drink or even breathe now, without some hazard to our health being there, oftentimes undetected...
Speaking of breathing...
We all know that co2 emissions are one of the greatest threats to our planet's atmosphere - and that our poor lungs are not up for such abuse for a very long time. Yet, I hear it so often I could puke: "a car is a necessity". So is dying, quite obviously - who wants to live forever? Especially in this mess that we've made... Brazil (I should spell it the way they do down there too: Brasil!) has made a splendid job paving the way to a post-petrol world, with the progressive switch to ethanol, which a zillion times better and all... But the rest of the world - especially we know who - are not following suit. Uncle Sam was always a difficult one - picky when he shouldn't have been (some leader of the free world; if he hadn't been bothered in Pearl Harbor, he wouldn't have done a thing about the Nazis, the Fascists and the Nippons! Sheesh...) and Uncle George's constant flip-flop over co2 emissions and the USA's responsibility is quite the pathetic display of greed mixed in with complete incompetence... The rest of the world does not have to follow Uncle George's example though...
Emissions of carbon dioxide have been falling since 1970. However, there were peaks in 1973 and 1979 because of severe winters, the state of the economy and high oil prices (resulting in increased use of coal) in those years.
The general decline in carbon dioxide emissions is due to increased efficiency in energy use, a switch from coal to natural gas and nuclear in power stations, a move away from coal towards gas and electricity in the domestic sector and a decline in heavy industry. Transport is the only sector that shows an increase in CO2 emissions. This reflects the increase in road traffic, which has outweighed improvements in energy efficiency of vehicles.
Carbon dioxide emissions are expected to rise again after 2005 despite the use of more advanced technology and abatement equipment. Consumption of fossil fuels is likely to increase with increasing energy demands and decreased use of nuclear power for electricity production.
What is being done about it, you asked?
Under the Kyoto Protocol, the UK has a target to reduce emissions of six key greenhouse gases (including CO2) by 12.5% relative to the 1990 level over the period 2008 to 2012. It also has a domestic goal to cut CO2 emissions by 20% below 1990 levels by 2010. Hmm... those years emerge once again as turning points: 2010, 2012... The Mayans would be proud! ;)
Let's wrap this up, cause I feel nausea getting to me (lest it is la moutarde qui me monte au nez... Eh?)
So, in short...
I can't eat to my heart's -or stomach's- content, because the food is not 100% kosher (meant figuratively only, I assure you! Rabbis - don't flatter yourselves!)
I can't drink to my heart's content either - water's polluted beyond belief, tap water has to be boiled, for it has killed before, and bottled water is not all that reliable, as we have seen on this blog weeks ago...
I can't sleep even, because of NOISE POLLUTION...!!!
I can't walk around and breathe to my... lungs content really, cause everywhere I go, there's air pollution of some kind.
Gee... you might as well be dead indeed!
But... I am not! I am alive! I will survive!
So will so many that shouldn't, though - the very ones who are making this mess and others, even more insidious, messes!
It is getting really hard to do as Anna Nalick suggests though - and that is just to "BREATHE".
(Ha - gotcha there, eh? You thought for a second that I was going to post Gloria Gaynor's song, hmm? Nah - disco is dead, haven't you heard? It is better off that way...)
Is it just me or does Miss Nalick remind one a little or a lot of that boastful brunette up in Vancouver, British Columbia who led the way in the lynching murder of Reena Virk...? Miss Virk sure is not breathing anymore...
As for Miss Nalick; it's just a physical resemblance - I hope.
Labels: Author Author, Columnist-style, Luminous
Here - have another! ;)
An editorial-type of post (also originally published on TLB Prime)
by... moi!
January 2007 -
While in Australia the forces of law, order & justice seized a record stash of ecstasy and other "baddies" (as opposed to "goodies" - get it?) - in Baltimore these days, it is getting to be quite pathetic... I will blog about that again soon - but I had to have a little fun first (hey - scribes have original ways to seek for fun; creative ways; productive ways; heck, they are quite simply additional venues for us to put on display our sardonic wit! Okay?) and so I just had to try and forget my woes and have fun with this newsflash: Baltimore police released a DVD in 2005 called "Keep Talking." The DVD, which was distributed around the city, was designed to counter a DVD made by drug dealers titled "Stop Snitching." The latter street video was made to discourage residents from talking to police (!).
Wow - wow - wow.
Drug dealers are so filthy rich that they are making DVDs now?
What else can they afford to finance in the wondrous world of media and art, I wonder?
For starters, let us just imagine, here and now, the creative process behind THAT little gem titled "Stop Snitching" - shall we?
The casting alone must have been a most fascinating thing to behold...
I guess it was all the drug lords' girlfriends and grilfriends' girlfriends (oh - what a typo I just made - so good, I left it in there! "Grillfriends" they are, I guess!) and never was such an assemblage of classless hoes ever seen before... Unless it is for any of the videos shot by either Aguilera, Spears, Onna or that Brooke chick...
Next: the non-speaking parts! One needs some "background dwellers" in these sort of things, you know what I mean? People from the streets, for realism's sake! Those who hooked on the stuff; hookers; those who are selling the stuff; more hookers; those who want in on this stuff; and did I mention hookers already? "I guess I should speak of "walkers" instead - street lingo, which obfuscates things to the utmost, is such a wonderful thing - is it not? As if streetwise punks and punkettes actually want their street talk to be rated PG-13...
But I digress!
I am a scribe - so I can imagine they wrote some sketchy sort of "plot" for this thing - hmm? At least that? Maybe not... Some dialogue must have been "written" or merely suggested to the main protagonists - most probably by the director of this wasteful production! Lines such as "don't snitch - you #itch!" are a must in this kind of thing - after all, the "message" is all that counts here... And the message must get through to the audience! At all costs! Maybe other lines to make that clear could be the following I just thought of...
Snitching will not be tolerated - you snitch, you lose! You sneeze, you lose! You do both - we bruise and abuse you! Any questions?Cops give you donuts... We mean, peanuts! Yeah... And we offer you free samples from all of our wonderful products and all derivatives thereof! You get into the habit, it'll cost you... But it sure will feel much better, when you're high, than it will feel when you're hanging with the pigs! So, which is best - eh?
And what if we offer you something for your silence, eh? Sure beats the hell out of suffering, beatings, amputing and bleedings for snitching - don't you agree, pal?
I imagine the message gatting through loud and clear there... Monster hit, I'm sure...
Expect a sequel: "Stop Snitching II: The Bewitching!"
I wonder, though, who else will be concocting specially-themed DVDs, now that the druggies have broken the barrier between creativity in video productions and outright visceral threats to one and all, merging the two in such a symbiotic way...!
Loan sharks? Working title for their DVD: "Pay Back - NOW - You do owe me like that!" (Aye, tis loosely based on Ludacris' Get Back song... Sing it to the tune of it now! ;)
Spin doctors? Working title: "Believe In What We Say - Not In What We Do!"
Legal crooks? Working title: "This is a legal scam - we are your only recourse if you want to be supplied with the documents officially recognized by our equally-crooked government... Under these terms, you must accept our excessive fees and pay them, with interest, upon reception of our billing - or we'll sue. At your service..." (A bit long - but they always talk too much, so...)
I could go on - but this is enough satire to keep anyone in stitches already, I do believe...
Hmm - careful where you wind up, if stitches is the operative word though... Crooked and wicked ones are plentiful in those areas as well, as we all know...
Ahh - yes, this sort of exercise is good for the ol' bereaved brain, I tell ya!
And another...
From February 2007...
Everyone knows that Cupid is a fraud - on par with Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny, evidently - and yet, as with the other three miscreants, people keep on "pretending", year after year, time after time, every 14th of February... (Hence I choose to *officially* expose it one day early, here, on TLB Prime! ;)
"Ow, " will say the sappy suitor to his beloved out of the blue, "I think I've been stung by Cupid's arrow just now - and it was pointing at YOU!"
In reality, of course, the poor sap stung himself on the derrière on one of those gazillion plastic forks that get thrown in the garbage each year, by people "on the go" just like him, who will likewise catch love on the go as well... He is therefore, all at once, fooling himself, fooling her and contributing strongly to polluting the environment! And we haven't even gotten to the health hazards and just as wasteful behavior that comes with out-of-control chocolate consumption at these times of the year...! Truly, no matter which way you look at it, danger awaits in one form or another...! So much for "building a future" together - you're throwing it all away, along with those plastic utensils and chocolate wrappings!!!
The worst part is yet to come though: see what the alleged Valentine is saying, up there? He is showing his true colors all right: possessiveness, greed, lust, probably wrath if he doesn't get his way... None of those are nice traits, you know! Not befitting of a Romeo - at all! Nor are they fit for a Juliet, for that matter...! I think even Don Juan De Marco wasn't written like that - and Giacomo Casanova was not possessive one iota either! The saint whose reputation is tarnished to this day with all this and whose name is run through the chocolate mousse in the process (Valentine, duh!) bore none of those traits either (re-duh!). He couldn't, for crying out loud - he is a saint!!!
No, my friends and fellow L.O.V.s (need I remind you: Luminous Online Visitors!) - the answer is plain as day but none see it! CUPID IS THE CULPRIT! From his name we got CUPIDITY indeed - stop pretending not to see it and DUMP the little booger! Stick his chocolate-dipped arrows up his derrière and say "NO MORE" to the annoying fallen cherub, lustchild of the prince of lies, assuredly...! (Oh yeah, he's a fallen angel, there's no doubt about that! He leads not people to love but to all sorts of excesses; plus, chocolate is so darn expensive these days! *lol*)
Aye, my brethren - ditch the cupid one - he is cupidity personnified and we all know that "if you love somebody - set them free!" (The gospel according to... uh... Sting? Hmm... Choosing the devil you know is not the way to go here - anyway, Sting is reduced to reuniting with The Police these days; just like Don Henley rejoined The Eagles' flock... That means only one thing: his career is finished! At least Sting had not said that "hell would freeze over before a reunion happens" - however, Sting had exasperated his drummer, Stewart Copeland, enough that the latter wanted to beat him up back in the 80's! Hence proving that he is no better than Cupid - anyway, never trust someone that has no last name!!! Five-letter words are good for greeting people but not to wear as your name! That goes double for composite names actually; those made up of numbers and four-letter words...!)
Still - I would ditch Cupid anyway - if I were you! ;)
You can do it, people! You broke the Tooth Fairy's heart - now stick it to the fake instiller of "love"... will ya?!?
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