more poetry - from and for gloomy days...

What are we all in this world
if not lovers and drifters, hawkers and grifters
who offer themselves up in exchange for bliss
and, if we dare not, would surely be remiss.
From the very dawn of our earthly lives
until the brisk and great beyond - the afterlife
where unseen activity simmers and boils
and makes our earthly activities and toils
seem as trite and insignificant foils
for our own spiritual progress - ahoy
as we roam the seas of kismet and fate
without a sextant; without even faith
Are we doomed to always be
the mere pawns of destiny?
Condemned to repeat over and over again
the same mistakes to the bitter end?
Acting as pawns to our own desires
at the risk of living a life oh most dire
we risk much pain, much dejection
and not merely coming from rejection.
For even in love and passion
one can feel, somehow, depression
Copyright ©2005 Luciano Pimentel A.R.R.
Love can be redundant as well
and so its ring is that of a familiar bell
the chimes of which enchant us, hypnotize
as mermaid chants many a sailor enticed
We are powerless before this encantation
for, deep down, we all crave passion
How do we fight off our own yearnings?
Verily - to do so would be self-defeating!
Aye, the torment a lover feels is unrivalled
As surely as the overwhelming passion itself is
The mere thought of losing the one we love
can only be likened to the abyss
Concatenated are all our desires
Blending in longing, loving, lusting
and when the hope in a void becomes mired
it is then that we begin slowly dying
First time a poem of mine has a sequel... then another... and I feel more coming...
Sorry but, this time, the trademark fluorescent smile present in every other post here will not make an appearance. Not in the mood, see...? There are always exceptions to every rule...
You love my sadness and despair...? Okaaaaaay...
;) I know what you mean - and, indeed, a rainy day is most appropriate for creative propensities!
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