Luminous little article written for another contest - unabridged version here!

Cyber socializing: even better than the real thing
by Luciano A. Pimentel
In this day and age, one does not have to put up with the routines and hassles of going out, dressing up or even putting a brave face on anymore. One can stay in and, from the coziness of one's own home, one can mingle with one and all! Chat rooms, instant messaging, webcams, message boards... Even the old stand-by, the e-mail (with sufficient attachments, surely - whether it is doctored imagery or not is entirely up to you!) - all of these means are safer and may be even far more pleasant ways to socialize! Safer too, for few hassles are involved - although it is debatable if indeed such dalliances are truly more casual than the old-fashioned ones... It all depends on the individual really...!
Fact is, interaction on the web can be taken as seriously as live and in the flesh interaction. And this can be seen all across the palette of cyber-offerings... as that of human emotions too! Message boards routinely see veritable hatred develop and rise sharply between opposing posters championing diametrically conflicted viewpoints on any given topic... Likewise, chat rooms are often the unceremonious virtual grounds of those first few sparks between posters who recognize in each other a kindred spirit. But it does not make the emotions involved any less real necessarily speaking... Nor does it make any sudden break-up any more "casual" per say either! Disappointment is disappointment! It all boils down to the degree to which the participants have immersed themselves into these "unusual" proceedings... These are less and less "unusual" though, for the bar scene is now splitting -pretty evenly it would appear too- the dating scene with cyber-encounters. One leads to the other really… A fine collaboration of sorts...!
On the other hand, for the true conversationalist, these proceedings can be even better to dig out the truth faster... Think about it - in an instant messaging situation, even with a webcam on, the fluff factor is minimalized - in favor of substance. One is forced to actually listen (or read) if the person has anything worthwhile to say. Once that is confirmed -for it isn't always- the expert conversationalist can take control of the chat situation and, by asking the right questions at the right time, get to know the other person better in fifteen minutes than he would have in several dates maybe! One cannot peer into another's soul when preoccupied with the all-important (not) task of winning a lengthy tongue duel... Not much is learned then, aside from the value of the kisser maybe...! Conversation is the key in the courtship stage – and it is no coincidence that I.M. providers call these things “conversations” and nothing less!
Safety is paramount in this day and age. And nowhere else will you find such a combination of utmost intimacy with complete safety - from everything! There are many possible scenarios of "things that could go wrong" during dates... Conversing online, even with perfect strangers -and the old adage is true; we're all strangers, until we say "hello" and get to know each other- lowers the risks practically to nil. Just run a virus and spyware check on your computer afterwards - just in case!
The important thing is to get to know who you are dealing with, before ever agreeing to meet with that person. And, once you do, let it be in a group setting or in a public space, of course. This will be so much better than a mere blind date, simply because of the prior contact. If more than one "chat" was part of the preparatory groundwork, it will feel akin to getting together with an old accomplice already. And if nothing comes from it, you have made a friend, an acquaintance, a possible networking contact as well. Nothing is lost, as long as we have two persons on the same wavelength, open and trustworthy. If both reached out across these wires known as the internet for a bit of human contact, surely they were honest and well-intentioned in their endeavor. One can tell, in the course of several chats, if they are not - that is proven.
Happy chatting, all!
Another article written for the very same competition was the following funny little one...
(Note: they're both "little" because there was a strict restriction on the piece's word count - duh!)
Life With A Pet...
What possesses someone to adopt a furry all-together inhuman critter that licks itself and makes a mess wherever it is left alone and without any supervision...? Yes, of course, we all know the answer to that one - it is because man -and surely woman too- is profoundly and unavoidably... a softy and a numbskull...! How else to explain this urge to lower oneself into becoming the virtual servant of a tiny beastling that walks on four legs and doesn't talk...? And let THAT furry creature dictate the pace of your life indoors? It boggles the mind... Unless one goes through the painstaking trouble of analyzing this thoroughly, that is...
The first thing that needs to be addressed would be the human creature's need for a pet... Is it vital, really? Is collecting furballs an essential part of existence? Cat persons especially have a problem validating their choice - after all, what can a lazy feline really do for its owner? Help out with the unenviable task of clearing the dishes...? Make that excess tuna disappear when it didn't fit in the sandwich...? What else...? Aside from that, truthfully... Cats can only break pots and a variety of objects in the house... What else can they do? What else are they supposed to be able to do for us? One has surely never heard of a "guard cat" - not as often as a guard dog anyway!
Nevertheless, all things considered, even with a dog around the house, one finds oneself subservient instead of "masterful" - for walking the dog is much akin to being his chauffeur or escort, really... Patiently awaiting that "its canine majesty" produces its daily soil fertilizer at four in the morning on the balcony of your apartment... And then, oh, the joy of finally disposing of it...! What an honor, yes! Puppy love, like all forms of love, surely must be blind too... At least the dog can stand by you in a fight... Usually it can, anyway! It does not depend of the size of the dog, of course, but, as they say often, everything hinges on the size of the fight in the dog! Try tag-teaming with a lazy cat against two thugs in a dark alley and see how THAT turns out...
In conclusion though, no matter what pet one has chosen to make his actual master, be it a tamed lion or an urban wolf -or even a big fish in a tiny aquarium- the human component in that equation always gets what he deserves... For we are responsible for what we have tamed - and those amicable animals are deprived of any animadversion - they actually teach us what unconditional love is all about. Well... dogs do, anyway! Cats just ignore us for the most part - but some say (cat-lovers, no doubt) that "you are no one until a cat ignores you"... So - take it from me - I know what I am rambling about here... I have been ignored by those pesky felines plenty of times already!
I guess I could post here, in the "luminous comments" section MORE little articles penned by moi...!
Au fur et à mesure
bien sûr!
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